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I’m pro 2nd Ammendment
in Politics


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  • WordsMatterWordsMatter 458 Pts
    edited September 2018
    @CYDdharta suspicious, you seem to have intimate knowledge on how terrorists think. And you're right the Paris shitting want terrifying in the least, it definitely didn't get as much news coverage as any of the knife attacks.
  • Does it both either one of you that the 2nd Amendment is a change made on something that is already allowed by common defense to the general welfare? In a United State set by recorded Constitution. The principle of the argument is based of breaking impartiality and independence to expose a person to danger in order to make them safer. This is done by use of vote without confronting the already known judicially introduced facts.

  • the problem is that the second amendment was made in an era of muskets and less political stability nowdays it’s only pourpose is giving the country mass shootings @MayCaesar
  • the problem is that the second amendment was made in an era of muskets and less political stability nowdays it’s only pourpose is giving the country mass shootings

    Even at the time, firearms were available (and even in service with the British military) that today would be classified as machine guns. 

    The trend in firearms, far from being unforeseeable, was actually quite predictable.  And, as stated earlier in the thread, current US law recognizes that most able-bodied male citizens are still part of the militia.  With crime a part of more American's lives, the Second Amendment is needed now even more than it was when it was written.
  • the problem is that the second amendment was made in an era of muskets and less political stability nowdays it’s only pourpose is giving the country mass shootings @MayCaesar

    Less than 1% of all deaths to shootings come from mass shootings. Mass shootings are not even on the radar when the objective harm/boon of the free gun market is discussed.
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